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A Guide to Neophema and Neopsephotus Genera (English Revised Edition) Hard Cover

Covers husbandry, breeding, pigmentation, mutations, genetics, and health and diseases. Each species is discussed in its own chapter with numerous colour images of mutations and Normal examples—best collection in a...

A Guide to Neophema and Neopsephotus Genera (English Revised Edition) Soft Cover

Covers husbandry, breeding, pigmentation, mutations, genetics, and health and diseases. Each species is discussed in its own chapter with numerous colour images of mutations, the best collection in a book...

A Guide to Neophema and Psephotus Grass Parrots (Revised Edition)

This title features over 160 full colour images of Normal and mutations in the Neophema and Psephotus Grass Parrots. There are examples of breeding expectations, housing, feeding and management and individual...

Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 37 Iss 6

Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...

Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 38 Iss 7

Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
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