A Guide to Australian Long and Broadtailed Parrots and NZ Kakarikis
This book covers housing, diet and nutrition. Species chapters cover the Crimson-winged, Princess, Regent, Superb, King, Red-capped, Mallee Ring-necked, Cloncurry, Port Lincoln & Twenty-eight Parrots and Red-fronted and Yellow-fronted Kakarikis. Contents General Management, Caring for...
A Guide to Basic Health and Disease in Birds (Revised Edition)
When keeping birds it is vital to understand Why Do Birds Get Sick?, Signs of Illness, First Aid, Diet, Medicating Birds, Common Problems and Diseases according to Species, Antibiotics, Parasite Control...
A Guide to Cockatiels & their Mutations Revised Edition (Hard Cover)
Comprehensive details on wild habitat and habits, captive care, housing, nutrition & breeding, pet bird care and enrichment and all colour mutations available worldwide & their genetics are supported by 375 colour images....
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 37 Iss 3
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 37 Iss 4
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 37 Iss 5
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 37 Iss 6
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 38 Iss 7
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian Coral-billed Parrots
This colourful hard bound book with dust jacket covers field and captive details, general husbandry and species in individual chapters. General Care includes Diet, Management, Diseases & Mutations. Each species is...