This 36-page colour softcover title by Darren Green covers Long-necked Turtles of the Chelodina group with details on all aspects of Husbandry, Nutrition and Health Problems.
Keeping Long-Necked Turtles (Revised Edition)
45 In Stock
This 36-page colour softcover title by Darren Green covers Long-necked Turtles of the Chelodina group with details on all aspects of Husbandry, Nutrition and Health Problems.
Reptile Books
Reptile Publications
Books,Reptiles & Amphibians
Darren Green/
Egg Care/
Keeping Long-necked Turtles (Revised Edition)/
Long-Necked Turtles/
Reptile Publications/
Turtle Behaviour/
Turtle Book/
Turtle Breeding/
turtle diseases/
Turtle Feeding/
Turtle Handling/
turtle health/
Turtle Hibernation/
Water Quality
A Guide to Australian Black Cockatoos (Hard Cover)
This title featuring 300 colour photographs over 160 pages includes extensive captive care details from housing, feeding, breeding—incubation & hand rearing and health & diseases. Also available in softcover.
A Guide to Australian Black Cockatoos (Soft Cover)
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A Guide to Cockatiels & their Mutations Revised Edition (Hard Cover)
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