All products related to Parrots.
A Guide to Australian Black Cockatoos (Hard Cover)
This title featuring 300 colour photographs over 160 pages includes extensive captive care details from housing, feeding, breeding—incubation & hand rearing and health & diseases. Also available in softcover.
A Guide to Australian Black Cockatoos (Soft Cover)
This title featuring 300 colour photographs over 160 pages includes extensive captive care details from housing, feeding, breeding—incubation & hand rearing and health & diseases. Available in hard and soft...
A Guide to Australian Colour Mutations & Genetics in Parrots (Soft Cover)
By Dr Terry Martin BVSc CONTENTS Understanding Mutations and Genetics Establishing New Mutations Primary Colour Mutations Key to Naming Mutations Combinations of Mutations Explanation of Genetic Terms Scientific Investigation of...
A Guide to Australian Long and Broadtailed Parrots and NZ Kakarikis
This book covers housing, diet and nutrition. Species chapters cover the Crimson-winged, Princess, Regent, Superb, King, Red-capped, Mallee Ring-necked, Cloncurry, Port Lincoln & Twenty-eight Parrots and Red-fronted and Yellow-fronted Kakarikis. Contents General Management, Caring for...
A Guide to Australian White Cockatoos—Print Version
Richly illustrated and full of practical hints, this well-researched, easy to read 112-page full colour book features individual chapters on the Australian White Cockatoo family—the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Short-billed Corella, Long-billed Corella, Major...
A Guide to Basic Health and Disease in Birds (Revised Edition)
When keeping birds it is vital to understand Why Do Birds Get Sick?, Signs of Illness, First Aid, Diet, Medicating Birds, Common Problems and Diseases according to Species, Antibiotics, Parasite Control...
A Guide to Cockatiels & their Mutations Revised Edition (Hard Cover)
Comprehensive details on wild habitat and habits, captive care, housing, nutrition & breeding, pet bird care and enrichment and all colour mutations available worldwide & their genetics are supported by 375 colour images....
A Guide to Cockatiels and their Mutations as Pet & Aviary Birds—Revised Edition (Soft Cover)
Comprehensive details on wild habitat and habits, captive care, housing, nutrition & breeding, pet bird care and enrichment and all colour mutations available worldwide & their genetics are supported by 375 colour images....
A Guide to Grey Parrots as Pet and Aviary Birds (Hard Cover)
Comprehensive information on the African and Timneh Grey Parrots in the Wild and as a breeding and companion bird makes this title a valuable reference for any owner of such an intelligent...
A Guide to Grey Parrots as Pet and Aviary Birds (Soft Cover)
Comprehensive information on the African and Timneh Grey Parrots in the Wild and as a breeding and companion bird makes this title a valuable reference for any owner of such an...
A Guide to Incubation and Handraising Parrots
Covers all the necessary requirements needed to successfully take an egg through incubation, hatching, brooding and development into a fully weaned chick. Colour images, charts and diagrams support the informative text. A must in...
A Guide to Lories and Lorikeets & DVD Package Special
The book includes details on General husbandry, Feeding, Breeding, Diseases, Mutations and Breeding Expectations. All lory & lorikeet species are detailed in individual chapters. Exceptional photography. DVD by Peter Odekerken covers...
A Guide to Lories and Lorikeets (Revised Edition)
This title includes details on General husbandry, Feeding, Breeding, Diseases, Mutations and Breeding Expectations. All lory & lorikeet species are detailed in individual chapters. Exceptional photography. A DVD by Peter Odekerken...
A Guide to Neophema and Neopsephotus Genera (English Revised Edition) Hard Cover
Covers husbandry, breeding, pigmentation, mutations, genetics, and health and diseases. Each species is discussed in its own chapter with numerous colour images of mutations and Normal examples—best collection in a...
A Guide to Neophema and Neopsephotus Genera (English Revised Edition) Soft Cover
Covers husbandry, breeding, pigmentation, mutations, genetics, and health and diseases. Each species is discussed in its own chapter with numerous colour images of mutations, the best collection in a book...
A Guide to Neophema and Psephotus Grass Parrots (Revised Edition)
This title features over 160 full colour images of Normal and mutations in the Neophema and Psephotus Grass Parrots. There are examples of breeding expectations, housing, feeding and management and individual...
A Guide to Pigeons, Doves and Quail
This colour title covers all species in this group available to the Australian aviculturist. Stunning colour photography throughout is supported by precise, easy-to-read information on the care, management, health and breeding...
A Guide to Rosellas and their Mutations-Revised Edition (Hard Cover)
This title covers taxonomy, general management, housing, feeding and breeding with extensive genetic details on primary and combination mutations bred worldwide. Species specific chapters exhibit 455 colour photographs of mutations....
A Guide to Rosellas and their Mutations-Revised Edition (Soft Cover)
This title covers taxonomy, general management, housing, feeding and breeding with extensive genetic details on primary and combination mutations bred worldwide. Species specific chapters exhibit 455 colour photographs of mutations....
Amazon Parrots: Amazon Parrots in Field and Aviary
Tony Silva, author of this 528 page book, describes his love of the Amazon parrots and the reason for this book:“As a child, my father would often take me to...
Asiatic Parrots and their Mutations
This large book has become the preferred reference on all Asiatic species worldwide. All husbandry aspects include beautiful colour photos and information on mutations and their inheritance over all species....
Australia - Birdkeeper Magazine Print Subscription
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists and vets form...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 25 Iss 4
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists and vets form...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 26 Iss 8
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists and vets form...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 33 Iss 2 Print Version
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 33 Iss 3 Print Version
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 35 Iss 1
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 35 Iss 6
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 36 Iss 10
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 36 Iss 11
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 36 Iss 12
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 36 Iss 7
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 36 Iss 8
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 36 Iss 9
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 37 Iss 1
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 37 Iss 2
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 37 Iss 3
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 37 Iss 4
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 37 Iss 5
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 37 Iss 6
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine Vol 38 Iss 7
Australian BirdKeeper Magazine is recognised internationally for its colourful articles on bird keeping. With the books ABK is the world's most prolific avian publisher. Bird breeders, pet bird owners, behaviourists...
Australian Broad-tailed Parrots—Platycercus and Barnardius Genus
This colour book is a field and avicultural study of the rosella and Australian Ring-necked Parrot species. General chapters include Housing, Management, Diet and Diseases. Each species is discussed at length in individual chapters. CONTENTS Field observations Subspecies Racial...
Australian Cockatoos
Hardcover with dust jacket full colour title is written by Stan Sindel and Robert Lynn. 252 pages. As a field and avicultural study of all Australian Cockatoos this title covers all black...
Australian Coral-billed Parrots
This colourful hard bound book with dust jacket covers field and captive details, general husbandry and species in individual chapters. General Care includes Diet, Management, Diseases & Mutations. Each species is...